You probably already have numerous existing records. From within a Document you can import existing data quickly and easily.
The import is based on comma separated vales (CSV), this means the first step in the process is to get your data into the correct format for import into RequirementONE:
- If your data is already in Excel, just save it in CSV format.
- If your data is not yet in CSV format, you could create one
- If your data is in some other format, insert your existing data into an Excel spreadsheet and save the file in the comma delineated format.
TIP: To make the import as easy as possible, make sure that your column headers are in the first row of your csv document. You might also want to make sure that they have the names you want in the RequirementONE custom fields. Delete any columns that you don't need.
- Go into the Document that you want to import the data into, and click +Import.
- Browse for your comma separated file and upload it.
- Map fields in your import to fields in RequirementONE.
- You can either select system fields such as Name and Details, or custom fields that you have created.
- You can create new custom fields via the Import, by mapping to a New Text, New Multiline Text or List field.
- If you have data that would be better captured as notes against the record, you can select Notes from the menu. If the Note category already exists, the note will be added under that category. If it does not, it will be created.
- Check the import by viewing the imported content.
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