The good news is that every single user of RequirementONE has the option of submitting templates to the Solution Store for approval. There is also great exposure to the community since templates in the Solution Store will be available to thousands of potential users every month so if you create some high quality content it could result in a revenue stream for you.
How does the business model work?
The business model for the Solution Store is a 80 / 20 split so you get 80% of the gross revenue that your template(s) turn over and we take 20% for facilitating the Solution Store and promoting the RequirementONE platform and Solution Store.
The quality of your templates as well as their general appeal will help determine the success of your submissions. Your revenue will accumulate over time and we will process payouts on a monthly basis (when your balance passes $100) and we will make a bank or PayPal transfer to an account of your choice.
Can I tell anyone about my templates?
Absolutely, we encourage you to do so! As part of the template submission process an article is created where you can write about your content. You can share a link to this article on your blog, newsletter, twitter or anywhere else you like. In addition you can also become an affiliate (every RequirementONE user automatically is - look under your user profile) and for every customer you send our way you earn a recurring commission on their project license (yep that's right) in addition to the revenue you get from your own template(s).
What kind of content can I submit?
Documents are the foundation for keeping related records together.
A document contains a table of contents (hierarchy of sections just like you would have in a Word document) that will provide the structure that the records are stored in.
You can decide to provide just the table of contents or your can populate the template with data records as well. Example records are useful to new users for illustrative purposes.
In addition we also recommend that you add one or more custom fields for your document such as:
- Priority (e.g. nice to have, must have)
- Status (e.g. new, approved)
- Owner
These fields will in turn be shown for every record added to the particular document.
In addition you can also add categories for notes and attachments as you see fit.
Other content?
What if I would like to contribute other kinds of content? Then please get in touch via our helpdesk to discuss your ideas.
Ready to get started?
You can read more about submitting content to the Solution Store here.
How are templates categorized?
The content you submit will be classified based on the following categories:
Compliance can refer to the implementation of any standard framework, legislation or regulation, including COBIT 5, SOX, COSO, ITIL, ISO27001, ISO9001 among others.
Product Development
Use RequirementONE to gather feedback from stakeholders, and transform this feedback into formal requirements using the project methodology of your choice.
Business Software Implementation
Templates that assist with the implementation of Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) Software e.g. office software, accounting systems, HR systems, ERP systems etc.
Requirement Management Quick Start
Use these templates to get ahead with Requirements Management
Templates that are not related to one of the core solutions above.
Then please get in touch via our helpdesk and we look forward to working with you.
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