Once your project has been created, you can configure it, add project details, create and organize project areas, invite users and configure your integrations.
Configure your project
You can access the configure project screen in one of three ways:
- If you are in the project workspace, click
CONFIGURE PROJECT in the top right quadrant of the screen.
- If you are elsewhere in the project, click
CONFIGURE PROJECT in the top left project menu.
- If not, switch to the project and use one of the methods above, or select All projects from that menu, and then click
CONFIGURE which will appear on mouse hover to the left of the relevant project.
Whichever path you choose, you will end up at the Configure project screen.
Click image to enlarge
Managing users
Once you have a new project set up you can start inviting users.
You can invite up to ten users at a time and assign permissions and roles. Read more about permissions and roles here.
- On the Configure Project Screen, Select Users from the menu on the left of the screen.
- Click + INVITE USERS. The Invite Users dialog displays.
- Enter up to 10 email addresses of the users you want to invite to the project in the Emails field.
- Select the required project permissions from the drop-down list.
- Select the required app permissions from the drop-down lists.
- Click OK.
If you are using roles, you will typically go for a reduced level of project permission, and then increase it according to the permission required for a role.
Managing roles
To create a role:
- On the Configure Project Screen, Select Roles from the menu on the left of the screen.
- Click + ADD ROLE. The Add New Project Role dialog displays.
- Give the role a name, and assign the appropriate project and app permissions for that role.
- Select the users or pending users who should be assigned to this role.
- Select the documents that should be assigned to this role.
- Click OK.
Add project details
Click EDIT in the Details field to display the Edit Project dialog. Here you can edit your project name, the start and end project dates and the project description. Although only the Project name is required, it is recommended to add a description describing the purpose of the project.
Project Areas
Project Areas are used to segment your documents so that they can be used for things such as the primary navigation menu's. Click + CREATE AREA to display the New Menu Item dialog. Add a name and click OK. Add further items as needed.
You can add submenu's. Documents that you bind to a submenu will be shown in a document list when you click the submenu.
Configure integrations
Click CONFIGURE in the Integrations field. Specify the required settings in the Integration dialog box. Click OK when you're done.
For more information on the integrations settings see the integrations section of the documentation.
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